Full-Time Jobs, Assignments, and Projects…
YELLOWSTONE Business Consultants (YBC)is a global management consulting company specializing in customizable management solutions for sustainable business growth.
If you are a B.TECH│ M.SC │M.TECH│ MBA│ CA │MCA │PhD holder seeking new opportunities, this is the perfect place for you….
Types of Jobs Available:
We are looking for skilled professionals with the right expertise to take on projects in the following areas:
- Financial Management
- Human Resource Management
- Integrated Management Systems
- Marketing / Sales Management
- Research Assignments
- Food Safety Management
- I.C.T Management
- Legal Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Experience international work culture in the Dubai
- Opportunities for start-up/ business setup in Dubai
- Opportunities to get freelance visa/bank a/c opening
- Opportunities to partner with us on projects
- Privilege to get Dubai driving license fee
- Pursue your passion and earn from it.
- Work from home or any remote location, with flexible hours.
- Improve your skills and expand your knowledge base
A job opportunity will knock you ……
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